This chapter followed my initial lecture on Race and Gender in Entrepreneurial Finance hosted by the WEFI organization. More recently, I started teaching a session at the NBER Entrepreneurship Bootcamp in 2023. The slides (updated July 2024) are available here:
Reading list for lecture slides
This reading list is a subset of the full set of chapter references and some new papers:
- Ewens, Michael. Race and Gender in Entrepreneurial Finance. in Handbook of the Economics of Corporate Finance: Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance, vol. 1, 2023.
- J. Aislinn Bohren, Alex Imas, and Michael Rosenberg. The Dynamics of Discrimination: Theory and Evidence. American Economic Review, 109(10):3395–3436, October 2019b.
- Will Gornall and Ilya A. Strebulaev. Gender, Race, and Entrepreneurship: A Randomized Field Experiment on Venture Capitalists and Angels. Management Science, Forthcoming.
- Jorge Guzman and Aleksandra (Olenka) Kacperczyk. Gender gap in entrepreneurship. Research Policy, 48(7):1666–1680, 2019.
- Elizabeth Mishkin. Gender and Sibling Dynamics in the Intergenerational Transmission of Entrepreneurship. Management Science, February 2021.
Many of these readings cover the cutting edge of discrimination research, which in many cases have not been applied to entrepreneurship
- Marianne Bertrand, Dolly Chugh, and Sendhil Mullainathan. Implicit Discrimination. American Economic Review, 95(2):94–98, April 2005.
- J. Aislinn Bohren, Peter Hull, and Alex Imas. Systemic Discrimination: Theory and Measurement. No. w29820. National Bureau of Economic Research. March 2022.
- Christine L Exley and Judd B Kessler. The gender gap in self-promotion. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2022.
- Robert W. Fairlie and Sameeksha Desai. National Report on Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States: 2020. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021.
- Claudia Goldin. A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter. American Economic Review, 104(4):1091–1119, April 2014.
- Paul A Gompers and Sophie Q Wang. Diversity in Innovation. Working Paper 23082, National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2017b. Series: Working Paper Series.
- Sabrina T. Howell and Ramana Nanda. Networking Frictions in Venture Capital, and the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2019 Nov:1-56.
- Rose, Evan K. A constructivist perspective on empirical discrimination research. Journal of Economic Literature (2022).
- Heather Sarsons, Klarita G ̈erxhani, Ernesto Reuben, and Arthur Schram. Gender Differences in Recognition for Group Work. Journal of Political Economy, 129(1):101–147, January 2021.
- Bennett, Victor Manuel, and David T. Robinson. Why Aren’t There More Minority Entrepreneurs?. Available at SSRN 4360750 (2023).
- Bennedsen M, Simintzi E, Tsoutsoura M, Wolfenzon D. Do firms respond to gender pay gap transparency?. The Journal of Finance. 2022 Aug;77(4):2051-91.